Author's Notes :- "Beatrice Knoll, a competent and enterprising secretary, works her way up the corporate ladder with a combination of skill and sexual allure. Quickly ascending the ranks, she finds herself in a position of more than a little influence and is on her way to becoming head secretary, with emphasis on "head." Getting her boss promoted, she decides to show him just how much she appreciates him."


Who needs a fairy godmother when you have a garter belt? Three promotions in thrice the number of months

proved that. With each raising of position came a change in work quality, my lifestyle, and my wardrobe.

Around the firm, the other secretaries called me the Queen Bee, a pun on my name, Beatrice.

Beginning my tenure as an unassigned floor secretary, which is little more than an indentured lackey, I

was promoted to a section secretary strictly on merit. That meant that I was bustling back and forth

while the junior investment counselors plied their trade. While the big-shot investors might be the

boisterous rowdies in the spotlight, the secretaries, filing the paperwork, typing up the contracts, and

making sure the investment team had everything they needed, were the true lifeblood of the company. As a

section secretary, I managed a platoon of harried women, keeping them in line.

My second promotion, to the position of managerial secretary, was due to both my competence and my ass.

We'll blame my garter belt for my final promotion. While the powers behind the thrones, we

administrative types, come in all shapes and sizes, mine is sexy, petite, and lithe. Eschewing power

suits, pants suits, and slacks, I opted for mid-thigh pencil skirts, and for good reason.

I’m small in stature, standing just barely over five feet tall, but excellently proportioned. With slim

hips, a firm body, and nearly flawless, smooth skin, my toned butt added just enough swell and curve to

highlight my shapely legs. A pair of high and firm breasts, slightly larger than apples, looked much

larger than their actual B-cup, especially with a pronounced separation between them. Free weights,

Yoga, and plenty of exercising assured that, for me, a bra was optional. On me, a straight profile was

the type of garment cut that enhanced my figure.

I didn’t mind the leers and lusty drools from the junior investors in the pit, as they called it. In

fact, I enjoyed it and began dressing a little sexier, just to tease and entice. An undone button on the

blouse or a skirt a tiny bit shorter than what would be considered appropriate when surrounded by

hyper-charged men hopped up on adrenaline, caffeine, and who knows what else was both fun and harmless.

While a lot of my peers in the secretarial pool dated the investors, I just teased.

One frenetic day, I was going over several reams of incorrectly filled out purchase orders, quite nicely

and amicably correcting the guilty party’s mistakes. We were laughing and conversing as I helped her

learn the paperwork, and I was bent over my desk, my tawny ass sticking up and out, showing her the

proper procedures on the paper. John, the section head, walked by and saw us. Not speaking, he stood to

the side and observed us with lust-filled eyes.

Seeing him, I smiled demurely, gave my long, shiny brown locks a little toss, and returned to my work.

Section managers can stand around looking important, but we had real work to do.

“The boss is staring at your ass,” my coworker observed in a hushed whisper.

“Who cares?” I responded. “We’re almost done, here.”

The next day I received a call from Human Resources the minute I sat down at my desk. “Miss Knoll, this

is Nathan in HR. John Turley, your section head, gave us a call yesterday afternoon and needs to speak

with you. Your appointment is at 10:30.”

My stomach turned in knots, and my heart sank. It was Friday, and firings always occurred on a Friday. My

first thought was that he’d taken issue with my skirt being a bit too tight and short, or my blouse

having two buttons undone. Perhaps he didn’t like the fact that my makeup was a bit too sultry for the


“Um, I guess,” I told Nathan. “He is my boss. Do you have any idea what this is about?”

“Not at all, sorry. Good luck, Beatrice.”

Nervous and worried, the next two hours crawled by so slowly that they felt like weeks. Finally, the time

had arrived and I walked into the two-chamber office. Daphne, his blond, thirty-something secretary, was

sitting at her desk, doing her nails. Two luxurious chairs were off to one side, and I could see John in

the other chamber, without a door, sitting at his desk. His jacket was off, hanging on a coat rack, and

his tie was slightly loosened. His feet were propped up on his desk, designer, Italian leather gleaming

in the light.

“So, yeah,” I heard him saying. “How about we do lunch at say two, two-thirty and hash out the details.

My treat. The Cabana.” He paused. “Fine, meet you there.”

“Janice, send her on in.”

His personal secretary gave me a professional, detached smile and nodded. “Mr. Turley will speak with

you, now.” She got up and left the private office.

”Beatrice, is it?” John asked me as he took his shoes off the desk and sat upright from his reclining


“Call me Bee.”

“Have a seat, Bee.” He gestured at a comfy, leather chair in front of his desk. “I’m John,” he paused and

chuckled, “as you know, right?”

“You wanted to speak with me, Mr. Turley.”

“Please, call me John. Mr. Turley is my father. Let’s get right to it, then. I’ve been watching you.”

“I noticed.” I didn’t bother to mention that those brilliant, blue eyes of his boring into me had gotten

me so worked up that I fingered myself in the ladies’ bathroom later that day.

“You’re smart, friendly, quite skilled, and personable,” he began listing my traits.

<em>Not to mention you like my ass</em>, I mentally added. I prepared myself for the chewing of my

shapely ass, perhaps even getting fired.

“And Janice is leaving the company due to family issues. Today is her last day. I’ve chosen you to be my

new, personal secretary.”

I opened my mouth, my self-defense speech ready. Then, what he’d said registered. “I, ah, you’re offering

me a promotion?”

“Think about it over the weekend, okay?” He slid a piece of paper with the investment firm’s letterhead

emblazoned on the top. “But, take the rest of the day off, with pay, of course, to mull it over.”

He picked up the phone and dialed a few digits, an interoffice call. “Shirley, this is John down in the

pit. I’ve just spoken to Beatrice…sorry… Bee Knoll about a promotion, and I gave her the rest of the day

off, with pay, to think about it. Make sure she’s not docked.”

He slammed the phone down in the cradle. “Looks like you have a three-day weekend. Thank you, Miss


“Call me, Bee, John.” I stood and shook his hand, then exited with my heart thumping.

At double the pay, on salary instead of hourly, amazing benefits, and more paid time off than I’d

probably ever need, it was a no-brainer. I took the promotion and enjoyed a very light workload,

comparatively. Instead of back-breaking masses of contracts and the noise of the pit, I was encumbered

by a spiral notepad and an android tablet. The only noise assailing my ears was the clamor of the wait

staff at posh restaurants when John entertained clients.

My relationship with John had quickly grown intimate, but professional. After the first week, when I

caught him staring at my ass, I verbally teased him about sexual harassment, for which he profusely


“I’m so sorry,” he stammered. “I don’t mean to be creepy, but you’re so sexy, and you move like a cat. I

just can’t help but look.”

Arching my sinewy body over my huge desk and clawing the air, I purred, “you mean a she-panther, don’t

you, John.” His face got red, and he was extremely nervous. “So long as looking is all you do, no need

to hide it.”

After that, I spent a large sum on professional but incredibly sexy office attire. Sometimes, as a treat

for my boss, I’d wear a garter belt and stockings, giving him the occasional peek of stocking tops.

With my help, John’s department, the pit, began running more smoothly and profits quickly soared. This

garnered the attention of the division heads, and a junior vice president, David Carlyle, left his nest

on the tenth floor to congratulate my boss on his improvement. It just so happened to be a day I’d

dressed to tease.

I was perched on his office chair with my notebook in hand. One stocking-clad leg was bent under the

other, giving just a hint of stocking top and garter, my high-heeled pump dangling off my nylon-covered

toes. I’d worn a white silk blouse that was thin enough to hint at my matching, black brassiere, and

although John couldn’t see up my skirt far enough, my silk panties matched.

My outerwear consisted of a matching pencil skirt and a sexy blazer in a thatch pattern. The skirt was a

sharp pencil skirt that was just above mid-thigh. I was slowly, teasingly changing position just to let

my skirt ride up. That’s when the vice president burst into the office, unannounced.

“John-boy,” he boomed out. “I came down to see the wizardry you’ve been pulling off, firsthand.”

Mr. Carlyle was the youngest VP in the company. Although he was just a junior president, he was known for

being personable and cheery, and all the women in the secretarial pool gushed over him. His light blond

hair was cut short and spiky, his face was strong, handsome, and symmetrical, and his designer, tapered

shirt showed off an extremely well-formed torso, his biceps bulging under the expensive fabric as he

reached out to shake my boss’s hand.

“Good to see you, Davey,” John said to him. “Have a seat.”

I was very aware of Mr. Carlyle’s eyes on me, specifically my thighs, as he sat. I gave back as good as

he gave, eyeing up his tight butt in his tailored pants.

“So,” Mr. Carlyle began, “your numbers have gone through the roof. What’s your secret?”

Chuckling and relaxing, John eased back into his usual reclining position. Hands behind his head. “Bee,

here, is responsible for more than most of it,” he confessed, which stunned me. “She started in the pit

and got promoted to the department secretary. When I saw how amazing she was, I just had to have her

overseeing not only my stupid ass but all the juniors in gen-pop and the secretaries that keep things

running smoothly.”

The vice president turned to me, his eyes scanning my figure, his face showing both lust and approval.

Mr. Carlyle didn’t even bother to hide the fact that he was trying to look up my skirt. I hid the fact

that I liked it; he was extremely sexy.

“Here’s what BOD thinks,” he told my beaming boss. “We think that what you’ve done, here, is so amazing

that we’re promoting you to the department head.”

“Hear that, Bee? We’re hitting the top floors,” was the first thing he said in response.

“Not exactly,” Mr. Carlyle interrupted. “You’ll have three new secretaries working under you, but Bee’s,”

he paused, his sexy, gray eyes running up and down my figure, “attributes are needed elsewhere. She gets

her own promotion to head secretary.”

He turned to face me, and I noted the swell in his crotch. “This means that you’ll work directly with me,

as well as oversee the entire secretarial pool for the entire firm.”

They shook hands and Mr. Carlyle left, whistling as he did. I was stunned, happy, and highly aroused.

John was sweet, and I loved flirting with him, but there was something about David Carlyle that just

made me wet. It was an animal lust, one that I wondered if I could control myself around him.

“I’m sorry he broke up our team,” I apologized to John.

“It’s not your fault.” He was still smiling. “Because of you, I made the big league. How can I thank


“Since I’m head secretary now, that means I no longer work for you, right?”

“Um, correct.”

“Take me to a fancy dinner, so we can celebrate. Get me tipsy, then seduce me.”

“What? No, I can’t. We’re coworkers.”

I stood, hiking up my skirt to show off my silken panties. The garter belt revealed in all its glory, and

my ex-boss’s jaw dropped. “I wore these for you. You owe me.”

“Bee, I know we goof around and flirt a little, but I’d never…” He stuttered himself to silence when I

grabbed my panties and slowly peeled them off.

“Look how wet they are.” I showed him the lusty liquid darkening the fabric, then tossed them onto his

desk. “Keep those, so you’ll never forget me, your lowly secretary. Now, let’s finish this dictation, so

you can take me to dinner.”

“Right,” John agreed. “Where were we?”

“You were talking about the new, lower fees we instigated and trying to look up my skirt.”

“Oh, right, new fees.” he paused as I read back the notes. “So,” he began, “take this down. The firm

believes that by….”

He stopped, staring.

“Something wrong?”

“I can see your pussy. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

”You already did, just a minute ago.” I smiled at him, my crimson lips sucking on the end of the pen.

Feeling incredibly horny, I scooted the chair a little, so it directly faced the newly-promoted junior

partner. Without a word, only a hungry, feline expression, I spread my thighs wide, displaying my wet

pussy to him.

“This pussy? Go on, dictate to me, Mr. Turley…well, say something.”

“Ah, please don’t report this to HR, but I really think you're fucking sexy.”

“I know,” I admitted. I dropped the notebook and idly stroked the top of my stocking while still sucking

on the pen. “I dress like this just to tease you. Do I make you hard? You can answer without fear or

guilt since I asked you.”

“I am so hard right now.”

“Show me. I’ve shown you mine, so it’s only fair. Let me see your big, hard cock.”

“Um, I can’t.”

I didn’t answer. Instead, I moved my fingers up the inside of my thigh; it was burning hot. Inspired, I

lowered the pen, tracing it down my chest, and ran it up and down between my swollen pussy lips.

“Show me your cock, boss. I’ve masturbated while thinking about it, sometimes right there at my desk. You

wouldn’t deny your secretary that one little request on her last day with you, would you?”

He just sat there, stunned, watching as I started fingering my clit and using the pen for extra


Finally, I said, “Well, if you’re too shy, then how about I do it myself?”

Rather than walk to his desk, I got on my hands and knees, the pen clenched between my teeth, and crawled

behind his desk. Forcefully pushing back his chair, my hands groped Jon’s thighs as I spread them apart.

On my knees, I looked up into his flushed face and said, “You can say No if you want, but you owe me

dinner either way.” He was silent, so I continued. His belt was hurriedly unbuckled by my deft hands,

his pants unbuttoned and unzipped, and I pulled down his high-quality, designer jockeys. “Oh, Mr.

Turley, what a fine cock you have.”

His manhood was thick, very thick, and a little longer than average. The head was perfectly formed, and

it was smooth and throbbing.

“Did I do that? Let me kiss it and make it better. I am 'head secretary,' after all.”

Possessed by lust, I bent forward, nestled under his desk, and gently kissed the tip. He moaned in

passion, so I continued. I licked it up and down, from his balls to top, very slowly, then I sucked near

the base and slowly licked my way up. When I had my ex-boss moaning, I softly took the head in my mouth.

John’s hips thrust forward, an impassioned sigh escaping his lips.

Bit by bit, a stretched my jaw to allow its girth. Soon, I had most of his pulsating cock in my mouth. I

plunged up and down, one hand on his thigh to steady myself, the other busy between my legs. I could

feel his shaft swelling in my mouth and knew he was getting close. Just then, I heard another man’s


“Are you busy, Mr. Turley?” I was a junior investor named Calvin.

“Uh, um, come on in, Cal.”

I slowed my pace, trying not to giggle over the porn-plot scenario I found myself in.

“I need to get your approval for a large purchase. I think I have a whale.”

“Aah,” John moaned, placing one hand on the top of my head. “Let me see the purchase order.”

They made some idle chat while I continued sucking him. John did quite well. Although his voice wavered,

he stuttered and sighed, and I could hear the passion in his voice, he kept his cool.

“There you go, Calvin. All approved and good job.”

As soon as I heard the door latch shut, I pulled off his cock, laughing. “That was so hot. I thought

about making you blow your load in my mouth while you two were talking.”

“Thank you,” he moaned. “It’s been so long. You know, work.”

“Really,” I purred. “How long has it been?”

He shrugged. “Nobody’s done that to me in over six months, the last time I got laid.”

“Poor baby,” I soothed, standing up and bending over his desk. “Fuck me then. Blow your load in my cunt.”

“Um, ah.”

I turned and adopted the no-nonsense tone I use with unruly secretaries. “Slam it in me and fill me up.

Don’t tell me you never wanted to fuck a hot secretary over your desk?”

Mr. Turley needed no further encouragement, and he shoved that fat cock into my slit. The horny feeling

was so blissful that I slammed my shapely ass toward him, burying it deeper.

“You’re so tight. You feel so good.”

“Fuck me; fuck our horny secretary. Give me a proper dick-tation. Pound me harder.”

Bent over like that, while not the most comfortable position I’ve ever had sex in, made it easy for me to

reach between my legs and caress his balls. I pulled him into me deeper, meeting his thrusts and

moaning. When he was going hard and deep, I fingered my clit.

“I’m going to cum on your cock. Can you feel my cunt clenching on your dick? Shoot your cum in me; cum

with me. Fuck me hard.”

My body quivered as I humped him, sexual urgency putting me into a frenzy. My pussy walls contracted

around his cock, and I could only lie there and moan as wave after wave of an intense orgasm washed

through my body. Just as the peak of my orgasm declined, I felt John shooting into me, drenching my

already-soaked pussy with his hot cum.

With moans, pants, and heaves, he collapsed on me. “Bee, you’re amazing. I’ve wanted that for so long.”

“More tonight,” I laughed, grabbing my panties off the desk and wondering if Calvin had seen them. “It’s

time to go home. Pick me up at seven?”

“Just dinner, or…”

“You’re going to fuck me, John. Consider it part of our celebration. I’ll even wear a garter belt because

I know how much it turns you on.”

Having crossed the line from working professionals to office sex with John, I was now mentally prepared

to seduce David Carlyle, because he was just too sexy for words. I couldn’t wait until Monday morning

and already knew exactly what I was going to wear. The Queen Bee was going to sink her stinger into him,

for certain.

About author



sex story lover and writer Hockers1217

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